A story of 2 times GTT champion

Hello, my name is Sharmila Pai, age 52 years from Pune. I was diabetic since 2013.
I was part of the 3rd batch of the Holistic Transformation Program and I was off medicines within 21 days! It was dramatic to achieve that in the earlier batches. I lost a lot of weight in kilos and waist in inches and people actually could not recognize me!
I still remember the day when I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. That day was significant for me due to another reason - it was my 23rd wedding anniversary! I experienced palpitations and giddiness in the evening and had to be admitted to the hospital in the emergency ward.
Life changed dramatically for me once I was diagnosed! Firstly all the sweetness disappeared from my life and that wasn’t a happy feeling. Anybody who heard of my disease either scared me with advice as if life was over for me or many looked at me with pity as if I was on my way to be hanged!
I started taking medication and was able to control the sugar level with medication. Then one day, a friend of mine Kavita told me about this amazing doctor she knew who was creating miracles for diabetes patients in Pune.
She, in fact, registered me while I was in the US and forced me to attend the 3rd batch once I was back. And I am so very grateful to Kavita for that! I shall be indebted to her for my life for introducing me to Dr. Pramod Tripathi and FFD.
I imbibed the principles of FFD to the fullest from day one! I have always been on the plumper side, even as a child, and had never ever run a single race in my life.
After I completed the FFD course I got so hooked on this differently new style of eating healthy, and exercising regularly! People could not recognize me after the number of inches that I had lost.
I began to fit into clothes that I had kept behind in my cupboard and had not worn for 10 years! I began running marathons and have collected many finisher medals along the way.
If i can, you can too, reverse your diabetes, request you to enroll Discover Reversal Session in their upcoming online first session, and start reversing your diabetes.